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The Rope . Argentine Tradition


Heir to one of the most autochthonous Argentine arts, Jerónimo Coll has been in charge for years of taking his works around the world in recognized exhibitions and samples, thus contributing to the knowledge and dissemination of these Creole arts that he learned from the hand of his father, the recognized Master Soguero Máximo P. Coll.
... "I was born and grew up with my brothers among hides, leznas and knives, and thus I learned almost without seeking this noble and vast profession that the gaucho and the native of these lands gave rise to centuries ago, and that today continues more I live more than ever, thanks to the vocation and work of great master craftsmen, like my father, who dedicated and dedicate their lives to the development and dissemination of their techniques.
For a long time, and with the support of my family, I have continued this exciting journey seeking to leave my stamp on each piece, always searching, and grateful to have received the best legacy that is the possibility of being able to make, express and create with my own hands..."



HDC - Tandil

© Diseño y Programación Grafica Summa
Contactar +54-2494-475981
San Francisco 634 . Tandil
Buenos Aires . Argentina