Oval section handle, woven with eighty colts strings, dyed warp with walnut shell.
Reason: "Guarda III", from the Pre-Columbian Series (N.O.A.), Culture Condorhuasi.
The terminals are 900 silver, (P. Ceriani) with simple ring.
COLL rawhide scabbard (selected Hereford ), stitched with walnut-dyed colt strings. Sewn embrodery of eight (8), seven (7), and five (5) strands respectively, with 900 silver toe cap.
Blade forged in damask, Ladder pattern, made with 15n20 steels and SAE 5160, with oval button. An exquisite work of the great forging craftsman Pablo Bugallo.
The box was made by Jorge Virasoro. A real luxury that completed the piece, made of radal wood, and details of birch and ebony.